We vacationed in South Walton for over 12 years with our family and enjoyed our fill of hunting ghost crabs, grouper sandwiches at Seagrove Village Market and watched the sun until it fell into the sea almost e v e r y night. A few years ago, we stayed at a home in Nature’s Walk and while riding our bikes through the trail to San Juan Ave to make our way to the beach – we noticed an overgrown lot that was for sale. I grabbed the flyer and threw it in my basket and pedal away day dreaming of this land – and if any of those whimsical twisted scrub oaks could be found on this lot. We dared to hold onto this dream for a couple more years and with some discipline, prayer and good fortune – we were able to buy this lot. We then started to build our dream – one floor at a time – one stroke at a time. We actually doodled this floor plan on a napkin. It’s been a labor of love and we can’t wait to share it with family and friends – old and new.
A bike trip – A dream